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Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Strong Leadership- How Coaching Can Help You Get it?

By Coach Yuri Amadin

Leadership is one key ingredient that I discovered in helping clients and myself achieving quantum progress in many small and medium business. If we looked at presidents of many countries, strong leadership is one key ingredient that have transormed a nation to excel. Leaders such as Winston Churchill and Nelson Mandela have successfully turn around the beliefs of their people from pessimists into optimisits who are congruent enough to actually did something for the better. I remembered when I started my coaching career, I took this profiling test that told me that I had the characters of “compliance” and “ supportive” in nature. That means, I am more of task oriented and reserved person who do not like to confront people. After 5 years in the coaching business and took another test, I realized that my character has changed. I am more “dominant” and aggressive and more willing to confront issues and people than before, although I am still “detailed” oriented like in the past.

What I saw in my clients, I saw the difference in successfully leading and growing a company came to one attribute of “Strong Leadership”. What is the meaning of strong leadership. I think what it means is the ability to influence others. Because companies that I coached often times were made of many people working in the team. With the owner and sometimes he or she also as a managing director had to convince their staff to do what he or she wanted them to do, and it is not always easy. The question is, how can one develop strong leadership to lead a company for the better?

The answer lies within the owner/managing director/leader himself or herself. In coaching, my main role is to help the owner to solve business problems achieving his or her goals. To do this, I had to have several private coaching session with the owner. When I am with the client, I have to play four roles at the same time: role of a trainer, a consultant, a mentor and a therapist. Coaching happened where I touched those 4 areas with goals of bringing new awareness for the client, helping clients taking ownership of their actions and lastly holding them accountable for the results. In doing this, the coaching will help the client to discover himself or herself on what is her or his being is. Once that happen, that being needs to be expressed like radio frequency to their team, suppliers and clients. An example of this is Steve Jobs, not that I have ever coached him... it’s just an example, Apple Computers products such as Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, etc, have created evangelists in their customers, team and suppliers.

Although, now there are many products from different brands such as the androids and mp3 players, Apple products have created a new rules for cult of people to enjoy their products and become their die hard fans (evangelists). Steve Jobs vision and personality was like a radio frequency that is transformed and pull others with the same beliefs, vision and vibration to follow him, on other words, Steve Jobs have influenced them (strong leadership).

So how do I usually helped my clients in developing their power of influence so that they can be a strong leader:

  • First, I teach them that they are two types of circles that they need to be aware of to build their leaderships: smaller circle is called circle of influence and bigger circle is called circle of control.
  • The circle that you can handlle and under your leadership is your circle of influence. Therefore; if you want to lead a target who is beyond your circle of influence, its not going to happen unless you can make your circle of influence is bigger enough and touches your circle of control, which is your target market. Target that you want to influence and lead.
  • To increase your circle of influence, you need to be aware of two situations: situation of your own being and situations of your target market’s being. Does your being is matched with your target market. If not, you need to match it by increasing yours by reading more, learning more, doing more, being more congruent and getting coached so that you have someone accountable and have someone on the outside evaluating your efforts and result objectively. This is how you develop yourself. You want to be honest to yourself and others. Find your own vision that is a worthy cause for pursuing beyond your life time. Plan on how to achieve that vision and setting up your own commitments and company’s commitments to make sure that when chaos happens, your commitments will hold your company and yourself togerther to achieve that vision.
  • To develop your ability to influence others after you develop yourself is you need to know who else do your target market trusts, because most likely, the ones they trust are the ones that influence them, that have the ability to lead them. Trust is transferable, because of that, you need to spend time with be their friends on the persona level, become their helpers as their problem solvers partners. Have genuine interest about them. It’s law of reciprocity, they will give you attention and do something for you if you do something for them first.
  • As this happens, keep looking on how can you be close and trusted with others who already earn trusts from your target market. If you are a new director in a company, identify who are the existing someones who have circle of influence in the team of business. Get to
  • know them personally, play dumb and dig deep, ask questions and listen well. Basically, you want to pace yourself so that you are in the same frequency with them, similar being as slowly you want to lead them to your goal (influence them).
  • When you do all of that, as you meet your staff/target market in a meeting and try to influence them, you have already built enough rapport so influence your target to follow your lead. Because these have many things to do with vibes. If you are a leader of a business, usually people who are not in the same vibe will leave and you will start to attract people with simiar being as yours. And thats what you want.

There you have it, the bigger picture on how to develop your strong leadership by sharpening your skills in influencing others. When you call me and have a private chat, I can start coaching and helping you on how to do this into details and specific action plans. For short, you need to be congruent with what you believe and start lead people from there.

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

How To Create Winning Business Culture?

By Yuri Amadin

Most of my problems in coaching small business usually is on the attitude of the business team as well as the owner. In my early years, I was so naive about this. I thought, just by showing them the business technical tricks, all their problems would vanish, but I was dead wrong.

Because I didnt realize how important the attitude is, many of my early coaching years came to me projecting my values of what I think should happen in that business. When I did that, the owner and the team was defensive. For those of you considering in getting a business coach to solve your business problems, becareful, do your research on whether the coach has enough flight time to help you solve problems. As years passed, my wisdom grew and I started producing consistent results to my clients. I found that “culture” or “attitude” is the trigger that will help business transformation in small and medium businesses.

With the right attitude, the coaching process and engagement between coach and coachees ran smoothly. Clients started to get more clarity and awareness on whats went on in this business. They were more willing to take ownership of what needs to be done in the business and that their accountability of their work is much higher. Now the question is, how can we create a winning business culture that are followed by the whole team and the owner:

  • In the beginning of the coaching process, I usually started with what I called “positioning powerpoint”. In this powerpoint I describe the role of both coach and coachee, the principles that need to be applied for the coaching sessions to produce best results in the business. Although many of then understand and agree, when the coaching happens, these things are not embodied yet in their attitude. The attitude transformation, usually happens when we start to talk about setting up the business’ rules of the game or culture to transform the business.
  • See when the business have been failing, it usually are reflected by the “Results” they are getting. Results came from “Actions” that they took in the past. Simply said, if the actions were wrong, the results will be wrong as well. Actions that they took were triggered by “ Feelings” that they had right before they took actions ; therefore, if the feelings were not right, it will make them took the wrong actions. Feelings came from “Thoughts”. They Thought of something and if they have the wrong thoughts or beliefs, their thoughts will be manifested to the wrong feelings, wrong actions and wrong results. Therefore, its obvious that to fix results, I need to fix their thoughts first, but carefully I need to draw their answers from them, not me projecting my values to them.
  • Fixing their beliefs or thoughts has a trick to it. In the past, when I asked team on what attitude or rules of the game that needs to be in placed to make the business successful, many of them did not come out with the passionate right answer. It was because they were not ready at that time to be positive. So what I did, I played the opposite, much like Devil’s Acvocate. I asked them what attitud/beliefs or rules of the game that needs to happen to drive the business into bankruptcy. Many hands came up and I got many answers. Once I jot them all down, I asked them whether that it is what they want to happen. Once they say No, I asked the opposite of what I wrote.
  • What attitudes/beliefs and rules of the game that needs to happen to transform the business from their present situation to their ideal situations. I used the negative list that I have written down and basically I asked them to come out with the opposite answer that they believe. Instantly, I got new winning culture that came from them. I gave them guidelines that these rules of the game need to represent core values that the owners, team, customers and what the business believe. Usually I asked them to write 3 values that represent each above, but again I asked, if they have to choose only one that they will be congruent to will be which ones.
  • At last, we set some kind of rewards and punishments system to encourage the team to practice their rules of the game with the help of many aids such as framing them, putting these values on their computer screen , etc. I also teach them to calling people out and acknowledge their members if they do their values.

There you have it, my ways of helping small and medium businesses in creating winning business culture. If you would like to personally talk to me about your business issues such as this one or other business matters, please email me at with the subject of “10 Minute Consultation”.

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

How to Set Business Goal and Strategize Your Actions?

By Yuri Amadin

Dealing and helping hundreds of business owners for the last 5 years really insisted me to see the bigger picture of things. Each industry is different and that in coaching and training them, I need to see the context of the problems and work with my clients to solve each of them to achieve their goals.

In this article, I want to share with you on how I investigated problems in the companies, getting clarity of both their current condition and their goal. From here, I will share with you on how I strategize actions to facilitate them in creating their business plan.

As a business coach, I had to face many problems from different industries. My professional and educational background many times are not the same with my clients;therefore, I had to work like a reporter where I had to play dumb and dig deep into heart of the matter. Now, this is a good idea, because I will not make any assumptions and be able to see the problem from different point of views, I can ask questions that have never been asked before, which will trigger fresh creative solutions to their problems. Another thing that I did was I shared solutions that I discovered from my other clients to that particular business. The goal here is to see and explore on whether we can use the solutions from other businesses and industry to be the new solution that can be implemented at that time.

Here are the steps to do it and as a business owner, manager or CEO, you can use the same format:

  1. In the meeting, first you should start with what I called a WIFLE (What I Feel Like Expressing). Basically the goal here is for each member to spit out whats on their thoughts and feelings about anything, either business or personal. This way, by the time you start the meeting, everyone will be focus on the issue. Also important to, turn off the cellphone. Make sure the WIFLE for each person is not more than 2-3 minutes max. Moderator needs to jot down notes on WIFLE that is important to the issues.
  2. Then, you should present the overview of whats the agenda of that meeting, ask for full participation and for each member to fully engaged on the issue. From here, you job is to ask an open ended questions to the audience and start listening well and jot down notes.
  3. That first question job is to reveal the present situation that the business is currently experiencing. The situation should cover the outcome that the business is currently getting, the actions that are happening as well as the attitude of the people doing the business.
  4. Once you have clarity on the present situation, then your next question is an open ended questions about what the desired situation that the business would like to have. It’s important that the question is open ended and not close ended (yes and no answers). Open ended questios will force the members to elaborate the situation. Make notes and and repeat to them on what they say, to make sure that you get the information right.
  5. Now that you have clarity on whats the present situation and the desired situation of the business. It is now time to explore your internal and external resources. You need to ask questions on what internal resources that the business currently have, that can be assets to be used to achieve the goal. Next question is about what external resources that business currently doesn’t have that the business need to have in order to achieve the goals. This external resources can be the need of new training to upgrade skills, new technology, new people, etc.
  6. Once you jot down notes and have the inventory of both internal and external resources, next question is to ask about what attitude that are required to be implemented and enforced to make sure that the implementation of the plan can be executed perfectly. What systems that you can come up to make sure that every one is in the same page and will be congruent to the agreed attitude. What I usually did was to make sure that every one will call out one another if they violate the agreed attitude. Thats why leading by example and congruency is important here.
  7. The last question is to explore what specific techniques and solution that you can brainstorm with the members of the team. Ask for 4 questions on this, what has been working in the past, what has not been working in the past, whats missing that made them not working and whats the next solution that is appropriate? Close your meeting with the WIFLE to get the feedback of the meeting and set dates to hold them accountable at the next meetings with right KPIs and Persons In charge.

There you have it, the context on how to set your goal and strategize your actions. Remember that the wrap up and actions plan of that meeting can be your business plan. Business plan can be broken down from yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly. This way your plan is always fresh and updated.

To get a tailor made solution for you, I invite you to request a 10 minute consultation with me via phone or Skype, by emailing Coach Yuri at with subject line ‘10 minute Consultation’.

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Fastest Way to Market and Grow Your Business.

Originally taken from Mr. Rod Moore.
Often I am asked the dispute … 'What is the one single fastest technique to grow my business?' Its a great reservation to ask. My solution is always the same …
Identify Your Target Market Where They Exist As A
Group & Market To The Group!
The bad dozens small shops owners type is that their marketing is one-on-one. They are busy examination to attract new buyer one by one by one. This is too time consumption and slow.
You see this often in social medium sites like Facebook where a small office possessor spends hours each day endeavoring to show their manufacture or services there only to discover that their mark show are not readily identifiable as a group.
It is a enclosure more profitable to identify your aim show where they already exist as a bodies and agent one-to-many marketing strategies to that group. Naturally you first shortage to be really clear on WHO your objective exhibition is which is why we spend so wealth time on this in our Attraction Marketing System. Once you are clear on WHO specifically they are it then becomes easy and obvious to identify WHERE to discovery them as a group.
The pickax of medium to utility to communicate your marketing announcement needs to be carefully considered. For eg if you are a Financial Planner and your goal show are retirees in the 55 to 65 days mass then Social Media is departing to be less effective than if your objective exhibition is opinion Internet Marketers.
Once you know WHO you demand to exhibition to then you want to idendify every possible origin of WHERE you tins sweeps them as a group. Here are 15 dispute to ask yourself to type this easier …
1/ Who is already marketing to this same bodies effectively and therefore has an existing buyer list?
2/ Which Associations does your objective bazaar belong to?
3/ What does your goal show read on a vertical basis? ie Magazines, Newspapers etc
4/ What BLOGS are there online that reaches your objective market?
5/ Where does your mark fair live if geography is important?
6/ What seminars, trainings or events does your object bazaar attend?
7/ Who else is experimenting to exhibition to the same corpse that you could do a joint procedure with?
8/ Where does your objective fair network on a consistent basis?
9/ What online communities or court does your mark bazaar particiapte in?
10/ What radio programs or tv programs does your goal bazaar appearance into?
11/ What traffic shows or exhibitions does your objective show attend?
12/ What diligence groups does your object bazaar belong to?
13/ Where tins you cause a mailing roster of your goal market?
14/ What sporting cudgel or other personal activities does your mark exhibition have a partiality for?
15/ What social medium sites are engaging your object exhibition on mass?
BONUS Question … Do you have a roster of past buyer that you have not kept in liaison with?
Here is what I suggest you do. Set aside an hour or two and really research each of these 15 doubt and write lists of answers to each. This testaments then give you a leads as to where to circumstance all of your marketing consideration in the arriving year. The pickax of medium to utility testaments be obvious once you identify where the carcass is.
You shortage to type sure that you really do some in profundity research in replying these questions. Do not just skim through this exercise as you evidence not growth any advantage from it. By forming a large scrolls of role your aim show already gather together in groups though evidence put you in a post of input to effectively fair your business.
For model in the matter of the financial planner observing to mark retirees between 55 to 65 he power explanation reservation 14 with the following:
- Golf Club
- Bowling Club
- Local Church Group
Now if you poverty to show to the part of these bat and groups because that is where your object bazaar is then the pickax of medium evidence probably be either putting an promotion in their monthly newsletter, or entity an active appendage yourself of these groups, or both.
One doubt that I sometimes get is … 'Well what if I can't discovery my aim fair as a group?'.
My answer to this is if you tins not discovery your mark show already gathered together as a bodies then it may not be the correctness objective show for you, or it may not be profitable to show to them. So in this situation you may need to rethink your objective market.
So this is the fastest method to fair and grow your studio … identify where your object bazaar already exists as a corpse and then bazaar one-to-many to those groups. Invest the time this week and vocation through these doubt … you testaments be amazed at what you come up with.

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

7 Ways to Drive Laser-Targeted Traffic to Your Business

An limb trader may have all the belongings needed for him to be able to succeed in a studio such as branches marketing. He may have the necessary drive, persistence and industry to be able to understand how the orderliness works. He may have all the clothes necessary in supporting the business, including a really unique and interesting website which could earn him a chances if only the whole cosmos could see it. However, all these would prove useless if he does not know how to yearning commerce to his website. His studio would sink into oblivion together with all the sales, danger and dreams that he bravery have realized if he only knew how to do this particular task.

Getting tribes who idea to see one’s website is a difficult action if he test to consider the deed that there are rivals everywhere waiting to pawl him down. The offensiveness of the internet as well as the branches marketing universe has given lineage to the fierce contest between branches marketers, each of whom has his own great output to offer. With all the websites piling on summit of each other, how would one be able to pad out? The seven best manner to yearning laser-targeted commerce to one’s own website would assistance those who are partiality on adhering it out with this shops wherever it is restriction to income them.

The first step in driving commerce to one’s website is by relying on occupation motor and what they tins do for the branches merchant concerned. Because they are popular for driving free targeted traffic, they should not be ignored by all means. Having summit hunt motor rankings is vital in structure commonness links, and the utility of the justness keywords is important in attaining this goal. Once a website is on summit of the list, it is easily accessible to anyone who poverty to see it for himself.

The aide method in driving trade to one’s website is by contacting other webmasters for a possible link transfer partnership. Locating websites that are related to one’s own website is the primary task. Once there, he should be able to establish interaction by personalizing cosmos as wealth as possible. It is then possible to type reciprocal link exchanges between webmasters whichever technique the branches merchant prefers.

The third technique is through document one’s own articles. This is an effective method in advertising a website, because good component that are appreciated by proofreader testaments lead them to visit the writer’s very own website out of sheer interest.

The fourth method is through joint surgery marketing. This is one of the mass effective manner of advertising a output or a service. Having a companion through advert swap or link trick is beneficial to both parties as it allows them to sweeps a wide buyer basis in a shot sum of time.

The fifth is through linking limb programs. Having affiliates to do the employment medium allowing them to bring tons of trade to a website. Skyrocketing sales would be realized as a result, and both the branches and the website holders testaments privilege from the situation.

The sixth is by owning a scrolls of subscribers that one tins refer to every so often, because they are those which would prove to be valuable estate for the trader concerned. The utility of autoresponders and personalized newsletters is one method of maintaining manner of them all, and conveying on to them by leasing them know roughly new merchandise and services is an essential role that should be done by the branches merchant concerned.

The seventh is by knowing one’s show through and through. It is important for trade to be targeted to those who bravery have a special interest in the topic or theme of one’s website. This way, a solid buyer basis is departing to be created. Once a potential buyer shows an interest in a particular website by giving it a visit, one must not scrap time in testing to bazaar him that his attempt is importance it.

Traffic producing strategies are important in testing to type one’s limb marketing career inch forward. It is always advantageous to diagram one’s moves in any studio that he power undertake. This is particularly so in limb marketing. If one knows how to get group to see what he has to offer, then he is on the correctness

Senin, 22 November 2010

How Business Coach Program Can Help You Become Peak Performer in Growing Your Business?

By Yuri Amadin

Do you play sports? Or do you ever pay attention to the world athletes such as Michael Jordan, Roger Federer, Tiger Woods, etc. I remeber when I was in the US, I saw an ad on TV, I forgot what what product was, but it showed how Tiger Woods, was hitting golf balls at the open driving range when it was raining hard. How does this relate to business and being a peak performer? Lets switch to business a bit now, another movie I just saw was “Social Network”. Movie about how “Facebook “ that was created by Mark Zuckerberg. The movie explored the process on how Facebook was created, and you can see how some of athletes qualities in becoming champion, were shown in Mark’s characteristics:

What are those qualities:

  • Sure of his ability. He’s so confident and that when he was in the zone, there was time when he worked for 36 hours straight.
  • He was always willing to participate to learn new materials and study with the best in the world. He attended Bill Gates lectures in Harvard and also participated in groups and communities that supported his goal.
  • Always work hard.
  • Willing to accept targets and objectives. He had an objectives in his mind to move the college social life in many universities online and he sticked to that goal.
  • Constantly search for new ideas, trends and changes. He refused to immediately monetize from his Facebook, because he’s still developing it and putting new ideas and trends into it. He even moved to California and met Napster’s founder to browse for new ideas.
  • He consistently applies the principle of “ Constant And Never Ending Improvement” or Kaizen in Japanese to achieve and transform his goals.

Now the question is, how can a business coaching program helps you, small business owners, achieve these qualities? For the last 5 years of my coaching practice, 90% probabilty of chance that created success in my clients results was the ability of the clients to be a peak performer.

I didn’t always had clients with above qualities, many of them actually did not. What changed them was the “WHY” factor. They were either in extreme business pain or want to get a certain reward so bad, so they had to change.

My job was a coach in the beginning is to lay down the rules for successful coaching results, these rules were made to drastically change their attitude to become peak performer. Once they agreed, all technical stuff to produce results are easy to achieve.

If you would like to discuss on how I can help you achieve your business and personal goals, please email me at and tell me your 3 biggest problems and what outcome you want to achieve in the next 12 months.

Rabu, 17 November 2010

How To Build Cash Reserves in Your Business?

Building Cash Reserves

Building a financial cushion for your business is never easy. Experts say that businesses should have anywhere from six to nine months worth of income safely stored away in the bank. If you're a business grossing $250,000 per month, the mere thought of saving over $1.5 million dollars in a savings account will either have you collapsing from fits of laughter or from the paralyzing panic that has just set in. What may be a nice well-advised idea in theory can easily be tossed right out the window when you're just barely making payroll each month. So how is a small business owner to even begin a prudent savings program for long-term success?

Realizing that your business needs a savings plan is the first step toward better management. The reasons for growing a financial nest egg are strong. Building savings allows you to plan for future growth in your business and have ready the investment capital necessary to launch those plans. Having a source of back-up income can often carry a business through a rough time.
When market fluctuations, such as the dramatic increase in gasoline and oil prices, start to affect your business, you may need to dip into your savings to keep operations running smoothly until the difficulties pass. Savings can also support seasonal businesses with the ability to purchase inventory and cover payroll until the flush of new cash arrives. Try to remember that you didn't build your business overnight and you cannot build a savings account instantly either.

Review your books monthly and see where you can trim expenses and reroute the savings to a separate account. This will also help to keep you on track with cash flow and other financial issues. While it can be quite alarming to see your cash flowing outward with seemingly no end in sight, it's better to see it happening and put corrective measures into place, rather than discovering your losses five or six months too late.