Experiencing business that grows fast sometimes can give negative impacts to a business. Few of the impacts come from insufficient cash due to poor cash flow planning and the others is due to lack of supply in having enough qualified employees in your business. At the moment , I want to discuss on how fo find good supplies of qualified prospects of employees for your business.
One of the answer is by having a good target marketing plan in finding these people. The steps to do this is you need to answers each of these questions:
· Who is your ideal target market for your qualified employees? You can start with its demographics and psychographic. Demographics: what age are they? What sex are they? Male or female?what education they have?Psychographic questions would be: what school do they go to? Whats their school GPA? What association they belong to? Basically just go deep with the questions oh his or her lifestyle that are align with what you want to attract.
· Where are they located? Once you identify your ideal prospects, the next question is finding out where they are located as a group and market to that group. This can be association they belong to, magazines that they read, networking events or college career department where they congregate as a group.
· What is it that you want to offer? You need to know what problems do they want to solve? That way you can specifically design your offer that fits with what they want. Answering 3 areas of whats your company ultimate advantage compare to others, what sensational offer you can give and what powerful promise you can say and deliver are very important process for you to develop the right offer to attract qualified employees.
· Why they should choose you over your competitors? What guarantees can you give to them? How is your credibility and leadership ability. The more you clear about this the more you can position yourself in the market?
· How can you market your message so that you attract qualified prospective employees?
Again this is your Employee Acqusition Plan. Basically, you need to find your qualified prospects as a group and market to them. In Kingdom Business Coach, we can help you how to specifically design your Acquisition plan for marketing , choosing the right media and developing effective copywriting and scripts to attract them.
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